Tuesday 11 August 2015

The rays of the Allium sativum (Garlic)

A dash of ginger and lemon juice and seasoning is done with garlic. We everybody like to eat it on Indian recipe or Italian food, isn't it. Yes we do. This garlic is being used in all the Indian recipe specially on the spicy Indian foods since a very long time and the garlic is also recognized to be an important spices to the  incredible food world. Yes, we can call it as a roller coaster of the food world. Often it has been assumed that a lot of spices in the food is unhealthy or bad, but it is not that, yes I do agree that an excess of anything is worse but when it comes to spices, a regular consumption of  spices is really healthy, the spices in the food not only add flavor or extra taste but also help in the digestion of the food, it help in fast release of the gastric juice in the stomach and also enhance the activity of the digestive enzymes in the food track. Well there are numerous benefits of spices but what is the specialty of "Garlic"? If anyone is thin and devoid of muscles and tired of eating but gains no muscles then here you should go, this spice is also a boon for the bodybuilder persons or athletes.

  Testosterone  is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in humans and other vertebrates. In humans and other mammals, testosterone is secreted primarily by the testicles of males.  testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis  and prostate as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscles,bone, mass, and the growth of body hairs. In addition, testosterone is essential for health and well being.

In the case of garlic, it may enhance protein synthesis increase muscles and help to boost gains scientific research has found that garlic increase the testosterone , which lead to increase in muscle mass. It is also captioned that a high level of garlic diet is also not beneficial and reverse the effect. Well a recent study has been conducted in Kobe women's university, In this study, rats were feed with high protein diet, similar to the diet body, builder will consume. The two group of rat in the study were given same protein diet but the first group was also given the garlic supplement , at the end the garlic fed rats were having high testosterone level and also a higher nitrogen balance leads to muscles growth. This results thus suggest that dietary supplementation with garlic alters hormones associated with protein anabolism by increasing testicular testosterone.

Garlic or Allium sativum shows therapeutic effect such as reduction of blood pressure or hypercholesterolemia. Study also show that a regular intake of garlic fight stomach cancer. Its is also suggested that intake of 3 roasted garlic cloves each night helps soothe attack, eating two crushed raw garlic cloves at the first sign of cold lessen the severity. Its has been also found that the garlic intake with food help to fight against the diarrhea but not affecting the beneficial flora. Eating garlic fight against the eye's infection because of high content of vitamin C Quercetin and selenium, the oil extracted from garlic may help to fight diabetics. 

These days because of highly polluted environment, which mainly causes skin problems like Acne, topically cleansing with garlic, honey, and turmeric will help in the out break.

For those who are FAT, using garlic can keep your liver in better health and this can help you to improve your exercise performance and your physical fitness.

Make it sure that garlic is not going to replace your diet for muscles building infact the diet is very important for the muscles gain, the garlic is involved only to enhance your metabolic response to testosterone production followed by the protein and thus a good body muscles.  


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