Wednesday 12 August 2015

Left behind In the woods



Long back ago, the day when human race evolved in this earth... Do you know the "Day", I don't know , exactly when did we evolved... Did that first person had any idea about the date and time during his/her era, a simple logic is that, they didn't even had any civilization, we had no scripture, art or any information. we need to know from where it had all began, who wrote this or  all this are an idea to live a good and prosperous life, which was valid till that section or period of time. I remembered a quote of EINSTEIN saying that "WHEN THE WORLD WILL GO FOR THE FOURTH WORLD WAR, THAT WAR WILL BE FOUGHT WITH STICKS AND STONES!" Yes, I do believe that somewhere people out there with all those religious epics, or pious book on their hand will assure that they know from when it was... but I do have a question to all you people/sage or to them who deeply/blindly say that the solution to life is within this books...Is it so? I rise a question again if this views of life could really solve with those ideas on the epics or had, in other word could save this world!! Then why we are turning out into Devils/Demons, why do we need this mass destruction weapons to kill/blood shade our own life? on the name of national security or to secure a community. I am not a Atheist or against any religion or people or I am not here to condemn any community or race or group...Every way to Godhead is to be reached only by good did...

No matters if there is no development,
No matters if there is no way to GOD
No matters if there is no weapon or nuclear power
but a thing which really matter is HUMANITY, which we learn without being taught!
Yes!! the day will be the darkest day on the face of earth , when the humanity will
get deleted from the human blood and DNA.

Wake up!! where is this going to be?? this mass destructive ideas is not going to lead anywhere!"The HUMAN BEING", condemn. The place only to live a life, The EARTH but what's the today's art on it face, we the people of this world a vast family around the globe, we talk about human rights, welfare, reforms, needs. Well! I just wander that, is the earth belongs only to us. No, the answer is a big no, the mother nature and it resource belongs to all the community of species from the tiny virus to giant elephant.

A paradox which we forget or ignore the human was developed by the nature to govern but not to have a dictatorship over the nature. Today, we hardly care about the species apart from us, is this what we human were meant to be? Alas! we forgot our own dignity. Reformers come and goes, revolutionist views are expressed and cherished but with the pass of time everything and each effort goes to vain. But it need to be asked ones again why is this around me? around you? infect around everyone in this only heaven in the universe. Not anymore, yes we need a reform which will and which can  claim humanity behind the shade of equality for a ideal life and duties toward the each life in the earth.

I am not against you, nor I'm here to change or manipulate you but yes my effort will to back to ideas of humanity. I, here looks around, and find, is for this what am I born, make other inferior and down but the paradox is yes its true, a way to being a superior, or elite, search for wealth, power. I, here looks around find myself and my fellow mates in a war zone. yes we are in a war zone, a war which is on our hand with nothing apart from lost. A war which is to be fought on the name of security and prosperous life of yours but deep somewhere the reason moves around OIL,RELIGION and ones dignity to keeps the people vows. I am here, where the zone of 65 years war between Indo-pak war and more to go may be, the Chinese declaration to take over the north-eastern part of India. The American war on Oil and equality on the name of terrorism and threat to the USA and world, the jews war against the invader on their land Israel, Russia to maintain its dignity and to reform the USSR, the war of terrorist on the name of Jihad to expand their religion and maintain the prophecy. The biggest issue is the terrorism and development of middle-east world crisis. Is this zone is going to be the root or roothair for the final war on  this Earth. I wish this never happens but who knows? nobody knows the next very second of human minds. Where is the future? a safe and prosper future for the coming generations ahead, for those young ones of ours, for those who have not even came or breathe. I the man/women of this era looks around and finds no end or to a rid off solution to this emerging evils. I ask myself on the front of mirror, have I turned so narrow, so egoistic that I forgot myself.


Here, I remember a well saying of the great man The Mahatma Gandhi, who says no maters how big or giant the evils power is! but at the end the truth shall bow down the evil. Yes we lost him. we lost him not only from the land of this heaven but also from the heart of it. The world is turning into a new maps, a new geopolitical shape under the shade of prosperity and development. we are here with a group with no ethics but with a motive  to kill and end the humanity but actually deep inside, somewhere I am still not lost, I wander that, is the war against this terrorist or condemning them the only solution? The only solution to kill a disease, is by medicine and treatment? No, the people need precautions to eradicate this human virus/terrorist from the globe like a vaccine does to eradicate a disease. The question here is why to end this global terrorism? when it was being created! Is this what we are  actually ? a non-pragmatic view or ideas to solve a problem which turned out into the global threat to all , a non-conventional ideas to reciprocate the image, but whatever the ruling government or the world leaders engaged or cored off, one thing we know that "Charity begins at home" we can stop and strongly condemn the human source to join the organisation like this, where people and innocents are trained to kill and at last kill himself/herself, an organisation where the cost of life is "Zero". "Yes! I do strongly condemn this view of  running a war group based of false prophecy".


Let us join hands... let start to move , move back to the world of purity ... Let's live with the woods not with the chemicals .... let us join hands to make a co-operation , to build a new world of woods , to re-establish the green... lets join hands for the generation to come... lets join hand to make this world a better place to live ones again.

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